Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Enjoying the Super Bowl

Lena is having a lot of fun watching the Super Bowl. She was though nice enough to give grandma back her seat when she came back.

Lena Elizabeth and her Parents

Lena Elizabeth Knudsen was born on September 18, 2008. She was 7 pounds and 5 ounces at birth. She is our first child. She is doing well, she is still pretty small for her age, and she is under the 10th percentile, but we figure that she is doing really well otherwise, and the longer she stays smaller, the better, since she will eventually grow and learn how to walk. Then we will wish that she would be small again.

Keli and George met in late December 2005. Our first date was at the Hollywood Connection in West Valley. We went to a hockey game a couple days later, on New Year's Eve that year. We then dated until March 2007 when we got married on the 30th of that month.

Lena was born 18 months later.

Keli works for PRG-Schultz as an auditor. She is, and has been for awhile, working on the JCPenney account. She works really hard. She leaves for work at about 5:30 each morning.
I work for the State of Utah. I work for DWS with the Medicaid Team right now. It is one of those jobs that is not very rewarding on payday, but you get other rewards, such as my great amount of sick/annual time, along with our 10 paid state holidays. We just have to hope that we can ride out these budget freezes. I also referee various sports. I do mostly volleyball, everything from the high school season, which is my busiest, to the recreation leagues in the evenings, and the club volleyball on the weekend. Man, those are some dedicated parents.
I also referee basketball, this is what got me started over 15 years ago. I started to referee soccer and softball last year also.

My favorite movies are Dumb and Dumber, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Hunt for the Red October, Crimson Tide, Shawshank Redemption. (None of which are on Keli's top 100)

Keli's are How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, Steel Magnolias, The Wedding Date, Wedding Planner, and the other chick flicks. (They may not be on my top 100, but I try to do my best, as does she with mine)